Additional details on Cross Play in Modern Warfare revealed

Infinity Ward has shared some additional information on how Cross Play will work in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare in a new interview with GameInformer.

The details were talked about at the 46 min mark of the interview, and here’s a summary of what Joe Cecot, Infinity Ward MP Designer, said:

It is linked to auto-play at the correct timestamp, if its doesn’t just look up 46:55.

From the video:

  • Aim Assist for Controllers on PC
  • Strictly peripheral based matchmaking at launch, maybe not in the beta because they want to collect data
  • No opt-out for PC Controller vs Console Controller right now, is a possibility due to FOV advantage
  • If you’re in a party consisting of MKB and Controller, you’ll be put into lobbies with both as well
  • They’re looking into preventing the use of devices like the XIM on console (let’s you use KBM while still registering as Controller, so controller lobbies)
  • Cross Progression is being worked on, but they haven’t nailed it down exactly and therefore don’t know if they’ll have it
  • If you use a KBM, you play against other KBM players. If you use a controller but party with a KBM player, you play against KBM and other controller players doing the same thing.
  • The only opt-out they discussed was for Console Controller players to not play against PC Controller players because of the FOV advantage.

In regards to being able to completely opt out of cross play with PC, Cecot said, “we don’t know the answer to that question, because it would be pretty much the same experience. The only thing you might get would be some FOV difference there. I would have to check with Paul Hale and see, I’m pretty sure that could be an option we add if there is a problem for players. I think you can opt out by platform but I’m not sure about that.”

You can watch it here:

[embedded content]

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Weapons will be added to Modern Warfare post launch, but devs say no comment on how

As part of the GameInformer podcast with the Infinity Ward team, they were asked questions about the game by fans through GameInformer’s website.

One of the questions was about post launch weapons in Modern Warfare.

Joe Cecot, MP Designer, confirmed that they will be adding weapons to the game post launch, a standard thing now for Call of Duty over the recent years.

However, as part of the interview, the Infinity Ward team didn’t comment on exactly how it’ll be added post launch, the biggest concern fans have with Call of Duty.

Black Ops 4 locked weapons behind loot boxes, making fans have to pay and hope they get one through a loot box.

Infinity Ward has done collections and challenges for weapon unlocks, so we hope that does return this year.

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Ranked Play may not be in Modern Warfare at launch

Infinity Ward sat down with GameInformer for a QA session about Modern Warfare.

They were asked if the game will feature Ranked Play or League Play, and the developers said that they’re not sure if it’ll be available in game at launch.

You can hear them talk about this at 26 min mark:

[embedded content]

This is a bit worrisome for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare especially with the franchised Call of Duty League set to launch in 2020.

Black Ops 4 also missed the launch with League Play only coming in 5 months after launch.

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Ground War mode will be playable in the Modern Warfare Beta

GameInformer’s newest podcast show has gone live featuring Infinity Ward’s developers talking questions from the GameInformer hosts.

They were asked about the ‘more than 100 player mode’ called Ground War for the Beta, and have now confirmed that it will be present in the Beta in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

We’ve not seen the Ground War mode gameplay revealed yet by Infinity Ward. GameInformer has a chance to play this mode during their visit and at the time the mode was 32v32. Activision’s press release for MP said that it features more than 100 players.

Stay tuned.

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Infinity Ward says ‘we hear you’ regarding microtransactions in MW, says they’ll ‘share more closer to launch’

A Reddit thread on r/ModernWarfare that was upvoted to the top asked Infinity Ward if they will share any information to fans regarding the microtransaction system in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare ahead of launch, as previous Call of Duty games have waited till after launch before showcasing the MTX systems in the game.

The post, by user u/FeelThisMoment, says, “Have there been any extensive interviews with the developers asking them what to expect with Modern Warfare’s MTX system? Every interview I’ve seen is sooo concerned about things like gunplay, map design, multiplayer modes, campaign, but I’m not seeing a single interview where the interviewer is picking at their brains regarding MTX.”

Now, Infinity Ward’s Senior Communications Manager has replied to the thread. She stated that they ‘hear’ us on this topic and will ‘share more closer to launch’ regarding MTX in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

Please be patient. We hear you. And we’ll share more as we get closer to launch.

Another user followed up by asking her if that just means they’ll be ‘radio silent’ on this topic and ignore/put this off till launch, and she replied saying:

Aka, we’ll say more when we’re ready. Thanks!

One of the biggest concerns with this year’s game is the MTX model that it will feature. Black Ops 4 has a bad reputation for many fans with a horrible system across the board.

Modern Warfare is ditching the $50 Season Pass for Modern Warfare in favor of free maps, but it’s not clear how they’ll reflect the lack of the Season Pass in MTX models.

We’ll update as we learn more.

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Activision announces a Captain Price figurine with McFarlane Toys

Activision and McFarlane Toys have announced their newest collectible Call of Duty figure: Captain John Price!

Fans who want to add to their figurine collection can do so now with the Captain Price figure inspired by Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

The figure is available for pre-order on Amazon website and costs $19.99. It will be released starting Sept. 20.

Equipped with his trademark boonie hat, Captain John Price is a British Special Forces solider and has been a popular mainstay in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series. Rising through the ranks and being an integral part of some of the more iconic missions in all of Call of Dury, Price’s presence has become synonymous with the franchise.

The Activision Blog announcement also stated that the figure will include a bonus code for a content piece in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, which will be announced at a later date.

Furthermore, each Captain Price figure includes in-game content for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare to be announced at a later date.

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Infinity Ward was divided over No Russian in MW2, says this year’s game has ‘intense’ moments

As GameInformer’s coverage of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare continues, the website posted a new feature today discussing some of the controversial moments from the past – notably the No Russian mission in 2009’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

Infinity Ward’s Art Director, Joel Emslie, says that the studio at the time was divided over how far they wanted to take the No Russian mission in Modern Warfare 2 and what they really wanted to show to the fans. The mission has received a lot of fan fare and media coverage over its intensity during its time.

“No Russian polarized this studio,” art lead Joel Emslie says. “There was a side of the studio that felt that it should be played from the perspective of a security guard that got caught up in it, then there was the other side that liked the way it was going. I remember doing all the civilians for No Russian, and I just wouldn’t … there was a point in time where we were discussing how gory we would get with the people who were getting hit. I pulled back, and I said, ‘You don’t need it. People are getting tagged and their squibs are going off; it’s all good.’”

Emslie stated that the No Russian mission actually got more blood and gore after hearing feedback from his wife for the mission lacking that. “My wife looked at it and she’s all like, ‘Where’s all the blood and guts?’ and I’m like, ‘We didn’t need to do it,’” he says. “She called me out. She calls me on my bulls—. It’s pretty funny. She looks at things in a different lens. She’s a lawyer. She doesn’t mess around, but she’s a good gut check on stuff.”

This year’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare title is poised to have more moments like this as the studio is taking the franchise to new levels of realism with intense moments. The campaign gameplay we’ve seen thus far during our visits were quite dramatic compared to what Call of Duty has done before.

GameInformer asked the studio campaign leads if there’s a particular moment in this game that will be caught by fans as intense and maybe controversial.

They state that there is potential for many moments in this game to cause the same effect.

“People ask us that internally over and over. They’re like, ‘Where’s your blankety blank scene?’,” campaign gameplay director Jacob Minkoff says. “There are so many of those at this point that people have stopped asking that question.”

The answer is it’s the whole game,” studio narrative director Taylor Kurosaki says. “I could come up with a list of like eight different things that it could be. Who knows what it will be.”

“I suspect there will be a number of different moments and people will call out their different favorite moments,” Minkoff says. “In the same way that in Modern Warfare 1, people called out the nuke and the aftermath sequence where you crawl out of the helicopter, or they called out the AC-130, or Crew Expendable, or All Ghillied Up. There were a bunch of those, and I feel very confident that we have a bunch of those.”

Infinity Ward has still not shown gameplay of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s campaign publicly yet. Many members of the media and content creators have had a chance to see certain levels.

SOURCE: GameInformer

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Gunsmith will be accessible in the Modern Warfare Open Beta

We’re just shy of two weeks away from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s Open Beta, and Infinity Ward is slowly starting to share more information on what to expect as September 12 start date draws closer.

In a new Reddit post, Infinity Ward has given fans a small update on what to expect as part of the Open Beta for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

Infinity Ward’s Art Director Joel Emslie posted a new thread on Reddit:

Really excited about the Beta coming up. The feedback from everyone has been pouring in and Ashton has been burning the midnight oil trying to respond whenever humanly possible. There are a few of us on the team that try and help respond whenever we can spare a few minutes in between tasks here at work. I can’t tell you how many of my team mates have passed by my office telling me how stoked they are with how all of you have been responding to what we’ve shown so far. It really gets our blood pumping and gets us pushing harder to polish the game. The feedback has been so helpful in shaping the game into something we can all, including you, be proud of when it launches in October. All roads lead to launch day!!!

As part of the replies in the comments, Emslie has stated that the Gunsmith weapon customization system will be accessible in the Open Beta for Modern Warfare for fans to try out the brand new weapon systems that are coming to the game.

I think you’re going to have a good time messing around with gunsmith.

He also confirmed that there’s more details on the Open Beta to be shared soon, and that they’re working on it:

Should have that coming up. They are working on the details.

Infinity Ward’s Senior Communications Manager Ashton Williams also commented on the thread stating that they’ve seen a lot of the questions regarding Modern Warfare and that just because they’re not answering some now does not mean they won’t answer them as we get closer to the October 25 launch.

We know there’s a ton of questions floating around that we haven’t answered yet. Just because we aren’t responding to them now doesn’t mean we won’t, just in due time.

As a reminder, here’s the Open Beta schedule for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

Weekend 1 – PlayStation 4 Only

  • Pre-Order Early Access: September 12 – September 13
  • Open Beta: September 14 – September 16

Weekend 2

PlayStation 4

  • Open Beta: September 19 – September 23

Xbox One

  • Pre-Order Early Access: September 19 – September 20
  • Open Beta: September 21 – September 23


  • Pre-Order Early Access: September 19 – September 20
  • Open Beta: September 21 – September 23

Stay tuned for the latest on the Open Beta.

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Infinity Ward designer says Call of Duty games have become so balanced that it takes the fun out

Infinity Ward’s Co-Design Director spoke with the Official PlayStation Magazine in an interview for their October 2019 issue, which is available here.

Some details from that interview were shared from WCCFTech website, and it’s a quote about balancing in the overall game for players who play Call of Duty.

Infinity Ward Design, Geoff Smith, who was part of the studio during Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2 development, says that recent Call of Duty games have put a huge emphasis on trying to perfectly balance everything out that the fun has been removed in some cases for all players. He even mentioned it could be because of esports that the games have become so micro balanced for every little difference.

I think somewhere along the lines these games have tried to get so balanced, maybe it was esports, it’s kind of just boiled the fun out of the things when you try to super-balance everything. We’re just having fun. We want to just be able to climb around and have fun interactions.

Infinity Ward is focusing on the fun for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and finding different ways to solve some things versus straight changing up weapon balance.

If I can creatively problem-solve this firefight, instead of having me forced down the hallway, I can use my brain better. I can get a different advantage. And it’s kind of a, you know, a puzzle-platform approach. We just want to create more dynamic interaction.

We’ve boiled it down to this micro level of one-on-one combat, and what we can do to add variability to the outcome of that, from climbing around you to running inside and closing a door that causes you to make a choice, you’re going to run in and enter that building somehow.

The competitive community may not agree with this stance, as those players want every item to be perfectly balanced in a way that makes all weapons on a leveled playing field. Infinity Ward has stated that there is esports rules and features set in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, but the details on those have not been announced yet. The esports features are usually showcased closer to launch.

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New Call of Duty engine will support next-generation consoles

One of the staple features of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare this year is that the Infinity Ward team has built a brand new engine for the game, which has been in the works for over five years now.

The studio mentioned during their reveal that the engine was built by the Infinity Ward Poland team, in conjunction with the US team as all studios contributed to building out the new engine.

Infinity Ward noted that the engine was actually first seen in some effects in Infinite Warfare, such as the lighting systems.

Certain parts of the engine went through a full rewrite for Infinite Warfare – such as the lighting engine, while others were retrofitted to somewhat still work with new pieces. That was the moment when you could see the big leap in quality, but we had so much more to do.

Back during the reveal in May, Infinity Ward developers noted that the new engine technology will be shared across the Call of Duty development teams to be used with other Call of Duty games. In an GameInformer interview, Infinity Ward says that they are currently only focused on Modern Warfare, but they have no information on the future titles.

We are currently 100% focused on Modern Warfare, therefore it is a bit too soon to talk about what comes next.

Alongside this, GameInformer asked Infinity Ward if the engine will be supported on next-generation consoles and if the team is prepared for the new consoles, which are set to launch in 2020. The studio believes that the new engine is able to ‘adapt’ to “any future hardware.”

Our technology horizon is quite far ahead and ever adjusting to whatever comes next. The whole point was to rely on highly scalable technology, where algorithms, hardware insight and quality engineering comes first, as opposed to being overly reliant on specific platform features. Obviously during the optimization phase for any shipping title, we do highly focused optimizations to make sure we are taking the best approach for specific hardware, but that is the final polish pass, not the foundation. With this approach, we are very confident in our engine’s ability to adapt to any future hardware.

SOURCE: GameInformer

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