Modern Warfare and Warzone July 30 Update: Double XP

As Season 4 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Warzone concludes, Infinity Ward is activating Double XP weekend for all players to reach the final ranks before the season ends!

LIVE now in Modern Warfare and Warzone is:

  • Double XP
  • Double Weapon XP
  • 2X Tier Progression

The 2XP weekend will end on August 4 at 11PM PT.

Season 4 of Modern Warfare and Warzone ends on August 4 at 11PM PT, so make sure you’ve reached Officer Rank 150 and Tier 100 in the Battle Pass before it ends!

Season 5 in Warzone and Modern Warfare officially begins on August 5.

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Modern Warfare & Warzone Season 5 Faction: Shadow Company

A new trailer for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Warzone Season 5 has arrived! Season 5 for Modern Warfare and Warzone begins on Wednesday, August 5.

The new trailer introduces the new faction for Modern Warfare and Warzone called Shadow Company.

Activision Blog provides an introduction to the Operators of Shadow Company that will be coming to game with Season 5.


Highly skilled with a diverse range of expertise the Shadow Company consists of Rozlin “Roze” Helms (formerly Jackals), Velikan,  and Marcus “Lerch” Ortega, the Company’s leader. 

  • Lerch hails from Plano, Texas and is a former member of the U.S. Marine Corps. Known on the battlefield for his enthusiasm and success in regards to eliminating the enemy, it was better to have Lerch with you rather than against you. Following USMC, civilian life didn’t suit Lerch, so he re-entered the fight in the private sector and is considered a one-man force multiplier. When the Shadow Company CEO came across Lerch’s dossier, he was the perfect combination of skill and moral flexibility. There’s no contract Lerch won’t take on nor challenge he won’t face which is how he finds himself in Verdansk leading the other Operators of Shadow Company.
  • Not much is known about Velikan. Dressed in full body armor for protection in battle and to hide his identity, little is confirmed about this Operator. A shadow of a shadow. Tales of his exploits are written off as fairytales at best and gross exaggerations at worst. Those who know him never speak ill of him. Whether it’s due to fear or respect, no one knows. 
  • Rozlin “Roze” Helms joined the Shadow Company after migrating from the Allegiance faction Jackals. Previously, Roze cut ties with the Armed Services and returned to support her family and ailing father. Periodically in contact with Mace, now a PMC who left the Army after abandoning his post in protest of combat orders he deemed illegal, Roze gained entry into the Jackals mercenary group. Now Roze is letting her skill prove her worth as she provides support to Shadow Company while remaining on cordial terms with Mace. 

Watch the new Shadow Company Introduction Trailer:

Season 5 begins August 5.

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Modern Warfare and Warzone July 28: New Playlists and Store Bundles

Infinity Ward has released the latest playlist update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Warzone on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

The new playlist update refreshes the playlists and store bundles as the final week of Season 4 in-game continues.


  • Shoot House 24/7
  • Shipment 24/7
  • Deathmatch Domination and Drop Zone
  • Gunfight 3v3 Knives Only
  • Gunfight – No Blue Prints


  • BR Quads
  • BR Trios
  • BR Duos
  • BR Solos
  • Blood Money Trios
  • This weekend: Juggernaut Royale Quads


Be an ‘Icon’ on the battlefield with the new skin in the ‘Zane: Golden Idol’ bundle. The theme of gold highlights all 10 items in the bundle including two Legendary blueprints – the King’s Highway assault rifle and the High Plains Drifter handgun. Pair them in a single loadout and hit your foes with a deadly Midas touch. 

Show up with a glow up in your next firefight with the colorful Ghostly Recollection Rare blueprint. Further personalize your Identity with the bright ‘Interstellar Dreams’ calling card and ‘Worlds Apart’ animated emblem included in the ‘Spectrum’ bundle. 

And, coming this weekend – starting July 31 at 10AM PT and ending on August 4 is Double XP, Double Weapon XP, and 2X Tier Progression!

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This Week in Modern Warfare and Warzone: Playlists & Double XP

Activision Blog has posted the latest This Week in Call of Duty post highlighting what players can expect in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone for the week of July 27.

This week sees the both Shoot House 24/7 and Shipment 24/7 playlists, alongside Domination Deathmatch + Drop Zone.

Double XP, Double Weapon XP, and Double Battle Pass will also be live starting July 31 at 10AM PT and end on August 3 at 10AM PT.

This week will also see new store bundles for fans to pick up who want to customize their operators and weapons.

Here’s the details:

Need some XP or looking to finish off your Battle Pass system tiers? This weekend gets a boost to both during Infinity Ward’s Triple Feed – Double XP, Double Weapon XP, and Double Battle Pass system tier progression for all. Battle in close quarters in the Shoot House 24/7 or the Shipment 24/7 playlist, get your objective fix in the Deathmatch Domination + Drop Zone playlist, and be the Juggernaut in the Warzone™ limited time mode Juggernaut Royale Quads, available this weekend. 

This weekend, be a beast on the battlefield when you capture the Juggernaut in Juggernaut Royale. The suit’s location will appear on the Tac-Map for everyone, so be prepared for a fight in order to claim it for your squad. If you have to go up against this behemoth, bring LMGs and free-fire launchers to take the Juggernaut down. 

Be an ‘Icon’ on the battlefield with the new skin in the ‘Zane: Golden Idol’ bundle. The theme of gold highlights all 10 items in the bundle including two Legendary blueprints – the King’s Highway assault rifle and the High Plains Drifter handgun. Pair them in a single loadout and hit your foes with a deadly Midas touch. 

Show up with a glow up in your next firefight with the colorful Ghostly Recollection Rare blueprint. Further personalize your Identity with the bright ‘Interstellar Dreams’ calling card and ‘Worlds Apart’ animated emblem included in the ‘Spectrum’ bundle. 

Get a one two punch in the Deathmatch Domination and Drop Zone playlist. In Deathmatch Domination, TDM gets an objective twist. Capture and hold objectives and get kills to earn score for your team. You’ll need more points than traditional Dom to claim victory, but in this mode objective players and slayers directly up your squad’s score. In Drop Zone, if you want Killstreaks, you’ll have to hold the objective while fighting off the other time. Collect those inbound Care Packages and use streaks to neutralize the other team.

Two fan-favorite maps get their own playlist this week – Shoot House and Shipment. Jump into either 24/7 playlist to help you rank up or finish off trickier ribbon challenges, you may have left this Season. In Warzone, alongside Juggernaut Royale Quads players can fight to ride the exfil plane in Battle Royale Solos, Duos, Trios, and Quads. Blood Money Trios return this week to help you capitalize on your eliminations; secure the bag and the W. 

Double up all weekend long with a Triple Feed – Double XP, Double Weapon XP AND Double Battle Pass system tier progression earn rate! This weekend is the perfect time to reach max rank for the Season, finish off tiers to unlock Captain Price’s ‘Nightfall’ skin, and level up the Fennec to create the ultimate Gunsmith configuration. The Triple Feed starts on July 31 at 10AM PT to August 3 at 10AM PT. 


Another week of events from Verdansk is available for all streaming #LiveFromWarzone. 

TeeP Trials return on July 28, tune in on Twitch to watch TeeP fight for survival in Warzone Duos. Then get another round of the MFAM Gauntlet with NickMercs on July 29. 

SOURCE: Activision Blog

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Everything we know about Warzone Season 5

Infinity Ward started releasing teasers for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Warzone Season 5 this week.

Packages sent to select content creators featured a letter from the ‘Shadow Company’ alongside a USB file that contained a video clip.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Warzone Season 5 begins on August 5.

Trains in Warzone:

The first major teaser debuted from Twitch streamer Nickmercs. And his clip showcased a train is arriving in Warzone.

Teaser clip from Nickmercs showcased the ground shaking while a train entering, alongside a helicopter flying overhead. The clip was timed stamped August 5 at 10:45 in Verdansk.

Based on some rumors, this new train will continuously circle the Warzone map during matches. In addition, the train will feature loot as well.

Stadium is changing:

Alongside the first clip, a second sent to Twitch streamer and CDL analyst TeeP revealing the first potential change to a POI.

This clip was time stamped August 5 at 11:05, which is 20 minutes after the first clip. This clip showcased an explosion of what appears to be the Stadium in Call of Duty: Warzone. Since Warzone’s launch on March 10, the Stadium has been inaccessible.

Beyond this teaser video, Infinity Ward published an image of Stadium on June 29. The image showed the Stadium to be open and in state of which it’s not in-game at the time.

Warzone Image showcased on Activision Blog.

In addition, the studio sent a teaser clip to YouTuber JackFrags.

The clip shows the aftermath of the explosion at the Stadium. It is time stamped just one minute following the initial explosion shown in TeeP’s clip.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone Season 5 begins Wednesday, August 5. Players have till that date to finish the Season 4 Battle Pass.

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Infinity Ward says more ban waves coming as cheating continues in Warzone

Infinity Ward has posted a statement to Twitter updating fans on their latest policy on cheating Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Warzone.

Players on PC have been frustrated with an increase in cheaters infesting both Warzone games and Modern Warfare MP matches.

The studio says ‘more ban waves are coming’ and states that players who modify the game or attempt on any way to add 3rd party apps to the game will be banned with no reversal allowed.

Infinity Ward warns users against using any unidentified software as that will result in a ban, and Activision states all bans are final unless there is significant prove to showcase otherwise.

There’s no timeline for when more ban waves will arrive in Warzone, but fans are hoping it’s soon.

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New Modern Warfare and Warzone Season 5 teaser: Stadium Changes

Infinity Ward continues to release teasers of Season 5 for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Warzone.

The first teaser debuted from NICKMERCS showcasing a train entering Verdansk, followed by a teaser from TeeP showcasing a nuke potentially hitting the stadium. Now, streamer JackFrags has received the newest teaser video for Season 5.

This teaser video showcases a static video of something appearing to be broken or also blown up by some sort of light, which could be a nuke similar to the TeeP clip. It looks to be the aftermath of an explosion at the Stadium location.

Season 5 for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Warzone begins on August 5 across all platforms.

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New Modern Warfare and Warzone Season 5 Teaser

Infinity Ward continues to release teasers of Season 5 for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Warzone.

The first teaser debuted from NICKMERCS showcasing a train entering Verdansk. Now, Twitch streamer TeeP has received the newest teaser video for Season 5.

This teaser video showcases a look at a specific room inside the Warzone map, and has static voices and video on it. It looks like a nuke has been detonated.

Here’s the clip:

Season 5 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone will begin on Wednesday, August 5 across all platforms.

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Modern Warfare and Warzone July 21 Update: Shoot the Ship

Infinity Ward has released the latest playlist update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Warzone on PS4, Xbox One, and PC on July 21.

The new playlist update brings Shoot the Ship back to MP, refreshes the Warzone playlists, and new Store Bundles.


  • 3v3 Gunfight Snipers Only
  • Reinfected Ground War
  • Shoot the Ship 24/7
  • Cranked
  • Ground War


  • BR Quads
  • BR Trios
  • BR Duos
  • BR Solos
  • Plunder Quads
  • Coming this weekend: Duos Stimulus


Get a new look for Charly with the ‘Earth Expeditionary Force’ bundle. Dressed for a tactical exploration of the beyond, don ‘The Outrider’ skin and move quickly with the Legendary Colonial Standard LMG. The bundle also contains a watch, weapon charm, calling card, and emblem. PreviousNext

Get your game in gear with the ‘Racing Series: Mach 8’ bundle. This racer-inspired bundle features red tracer blueprints the Autoclave SMG and Winner’s Circle Handgun and two vehicle skins to help you keep track of your ride in Warzone. Plus, get the ‘Start Your Engines’ vehicle horn that blares a race countdown sound. 

Here’s the list of new store bundles:

  • Earth Expeditionary Force
  • Racing Series: Mach 8
  • The Professional
  • Rainbow Tactical
  • Soft Spots

Jump into Modern Warfare and Warzone for the latest playlist changes!

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This Week in Modern Warfare and Warzone: New Playlists And Store Bundles

Activision Blog has posted the latest This Week in Call of Duty post highlighting what players can expect in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone for the week of July 20.

This week sees the return of 3v3 Gunfight Snipers and the fan favorite Shoot the Ship 24/7 in MP, alongside the BR Solos, Duos, Trio, Quads, and Plunder Quads in Warzone. For Warzone, this upcoming weekend, the BR Duos Stimulus playlist will be live.

This week will also see new store bundles for fans to pick up who want to customize their operators and weapons, including Earth Expeditionary and Force Racing Series: Mach 8 bundles.

Here’s the full breakdown from the Activision Blog:

Experience a close-quarters favorite in the Shoot the Ship 24/7 playlist, grab your trio and check your aim in 3v3 Gunfight Snipers Only, then battle to survive in Reinfected Ground War.

Hop into 3v3 Gunfight Snipers Only to test your marksman skills. Talk it up with your teammates and best the arena to find your spot and pick off the enemy. Beware the glint. 

Ground War gets reinfected in this large-map version of the popular Multiplayer party mode. Fight to survive until the time expires to claim victory. Consider mid-range weaponry to pick off foes at a distance or a deadly close-quarters option for anyone who tries to sneak up on you.  

Get a new look for Charly with the ‘Earth Expeditionary Force’ bundle. Dressed for a tactical exploration of the beyond, don ‘The Outrider’ skin and move quickly with the Legendary Colonial Standard LMG. The bundle also contains a watch, weapon charm, calling card, and emblem. PreviousNext

Get your game in gear with the ‘Racing Series: Mach 8’ bundle. This racer-inspired bundle features red tracer blueprints the Autoclave SMG and Winner’s Circle Handgun and two vehicle skins to help you keep track of your ride in Warzone. Plus, get the ‘Start Your Engines’ vehicle horn that blares a race countdown sound. 

Warzone gets a boost this weekend in the Duos Stimulus playlist. If you have enough Cash when you’re eliminated, you’ll automatically redeploy into the match. No need for the Gulag. Stimulus redeploys players fast, so expect more frenetic play. Other Warzone playlists include Battle Royale Solos, Trios, Duos, and Quads and Plunder Quads. 

Ready to Shoot the Ship? Close-quarters gunplay excels in both locales while marksman can find longer sightlines on Shoot House’s flanking routes. Take advantage of the more frequent engagements you’ll have on both maps to knock out some of this Season’s Officer Challenges and reap the XP rewards. Plus, search for successive kills in the Cranked playlist where you’ll have a short amount of time to get your next kill (or assist) or boom, you’ll explode.

Need some additional tiers? Purchase tiers for only 100 Call of Duty points (regular price: 150 Call of Duty points) to help you advance through the Battle Pass system. The Tier Sale begins on July 21 at 10 AM PT and ends on July 27 at 10AM PT. Also available during the Sale, players can purchase discounted tiers in Tier Bundles in the Store. 

SOURCE: Activision

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