Tag Archives: cod

Warzone Feb 12 patch notes: hit markers fixed & MW weapon XP fixes

Raven Software has released a new Game Settings Update to Call of Duty: Warzone and Modern Warfare on Friday, February 12.

The new game settings update, which released on all platforms, includes fixes for the hit marker issues that spawned from the latest patch update on February 5.

The update also fixes a bug with Modern Warfare Weapon XP not being awarded as intended.

And, to celebrate Valentine’s Day, Raven has updated the playlist names to be a little more holiday themed! Warzone Rumble in the Sheets and Love & Plunder is now live in Warzone.


  • Fixed issue causing hit markers to not appear consistently
  • Fixed issue with weapon XP not awarding as intended in MW multiplayer
  • Fixed issue with UI elements on the Loadout Menu
  • Updated Valentine’s weekend playlist names

Stay tuned for the latest news on Call of Duty: Warzone.

The post Warzone Feb 12 patch notes: hit markers fixed & MW weapon XP fixes appeared first on Charlie INTEL.

Source: CharlieIntel.com

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Activision Blizzard sued over Modern Warfare & Warzone Operator Mara

Activision Blizzard has been sued by a writer and photographer over using his model photography design for the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare & Warzone Operator Mara.

The new lawsuit, as noted by Polygon, was filed in a California court against Activision Blizzard on Tuesday, Feb 2.

Clayton Haugen filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against Activision alleging the company used and modeled Mara’s look after one his own characters, Cade Janus. The character is played by the same model used for Mara, Alex Zedra. He posted an image of the character on his Instagram.

Haugen first debuted Cade Janus character is his novel, November Renaissance. “The central character in November Renaissance is Cade Janus, a female vigilante and pariah figure. Haugen created this distinct and multidimensional female protagonist for his story because he believed that November Renaissance could be a successful film and the unique female lead would distinguish it from an over saturated market of action and science fiction movies.

The lawsuit argues that Activision and Infinity Ward used the same model and photographer to create the Mara character in game, without ever asking for his permission. The complaint also states that Janus’ photography was shown in the studio’s walls during the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare photo-op.

“In addition to hiring the same talent, they also hired the same makeup professional who had prepared the talent for Haugen’s Cade Janus Photographs,” the complaint reads. “They instructed the makeup professional to prepare the talent exactly as she had done for Haugen’s Cade Janus Photographs. They instructed her to style the talent’s hair exactly as she had done for Haugen’s Cade Janus Photographs, even using the same hair piece extension.”

The Operator Mara was introduced into Call of Duty: Modern Warfare in December 2019 as part of the Season One Battle Pass. The lawsuit alleges that Activision, without permission, used this character in all of their marketing material for Season One, including the Season One roadmap.

In the extensive filing of the copyright infringement, Haugen showcases the similarities between his character and the Operator Mara’s look and feel, as seen below:

Activision Blizzard has not commented on the lawsuit at this time. It’s not clear when this will go to trial.

You can read the full lawsuit here.

The post Activision Blizzard sued over Modern Warfare & Warzone Operator Mara appeared first on Charlie INTEL.

Source: CharlieIntel.com

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Call of Duty player uses musical instruments as a controller

A Call of Duty player has discovered how to use musical instruments as a controller and has even killed enemy players with an assortment of different instruments.

Call of Duty is a game traditionally played with a mouse and keyboard or controller, but not for player DeanoBeano. Deano instead opts to play his Call of Duty games with musical instruments, such as drums, a recorder, and even bongos.

He posts these hilarious highlights to his Reddit and Twitter pages, going viral each time he posts his impressive clips.

You can see one of his most popular clips below, where he manages to snipe a player in Modern Warfare, while using the drums.

DeanoBeano is clearly a one of a kind player, so we managed to get in contact with him and sit him down for a Q&A, where he details how he’s able to play the game with instruments, how he started, and more.

Q: How do you manage to get instruments to work as remotes?

Deano: I use instruments that I plug in to convert midi signals to keyboard commands, and acoustic instruments I control using pitch to midi, then midi to keyboard commands. The bongos were actually a controller from the GameCube games Donkey Konga and Donkey Kong Bongo Bash. (referring to the above clip)

CI: Can you explain Midi to our readers?

Deano: Midi is a signal that electric instruments send to computers and other instruments and devices that control sound to connect with each other.

Q: What originally gave you the idea to play Call of Duty with instruments?

Deano: I started drumming to gaming montages live on twitch about a year ago, so there was always an ongoing joke that I actually hit the clips with my drums.

Eventually, in August I figured out how to hook up my drums as a controller and after I started doing that, I figured it would be fun to try other instruments and odd controllers too.

Q: What are your future plans? Any new instruments you want to try?

Deano: My plan is to keep making Cold War multiplayer as fun as I can. Playing with a normal controller (especially solo) can be really tiring because of SBMM. I’m always looking at finding new ways to play the game, and I plan on bringing this to other games too. I’ll be using some new instruments and controllers soon.

Q: What’s your favorite instrument to play in games?

Deano: The recorder is my favorite instrument to play with at the moment. It makes the game pretty challenging but every kill and clip I get with it feels so rewarding.

Q: Do you actually play any musical instruments?

Deano: I do! I started with piano when I was a kid and later on picked up drums and got a Bachelor’s degree in music on drums. I play a little bit of trumpet (and recorder I guess haha) but not much.

That’s the end of our interview with Deano. To see more of his content, you can follow him on Twitter and watch his Twitch streams, where he appears to be most active. He also occasionally posts highlights of his streams to his YouTube channel.

The post Call of Duty player uses musical instruments as a controller appeared first on Charlie INTEL.

Source: CharlieIntel.com

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How to use Modern Warfare XP Tokens in Black Ops Cold War

Modern Warfare and Black Ops Cold War have separate XP Tokens so there have been some doubts over whether or not these could transfer over, but they absolutely can, and here’s how you can use your MW XP Tokens in BOCW.

If you purchased and leveled up the Battle Pass in previous seasons of Modern Warfare and Warzone, it’s likely you have a ton of Double XP Tokens saved up. When integration between the games occurred in December, you couldn’t use the MW Tokens in Warzone. This has since been fixed, but players are now asking for Tokens to be changed because they count down even when you’re in the lobby.

Both MW and BOCW Tokens can be used in Warzone, but they can’t be shared across the two main Call of Duty titles. At least, they shouldn’t.

By following this trick, you can use all your saved up Modern Warfare XP Tokens in Black Ops Cold War.

How to use MW XP Tokens in BOCW

Here’s how to use MW Double XP and Double Weapon XP Tokens in BOCW.

You can use these Tokens to quickly level up your weapons and become Prestige Master.

Double XP location in the Warzone menu
  1. Launch Warzone
  2. Select an XP Token
  3. Back out to the game-select menu
  4. Select Black Ops Cold War multiplayer
  5. Enjoy your Double XP!

This will apply the Token to your Call of Duty account, and it will remain active no matter what game you play.

It’s unlikely this is working as intended, so you should try and do this quickly before it’s addressed in an official patch.

However, there’s a Double XP weekend from December 31 through to January 4, so it’s best to wait until this event has concluded before using this trick.

Image Credit: Activision

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Source: CharlieIntel.com

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How to use finishing moves in Black Ops Cold War & Warzone

Here’s how to perform finishing moves in Black Ops Cold War and Warzone.

Finishing moves is a new execution animation, first added in Modern Warfare and continuing into Black Ops Cold War.

Each animation gives a unique and sometimes gory finisher to unsuspecting players. While in the execution animation, both players cannot stop the finisher until it is completed, or a player is killed by an enemy.

If you spot someone getting executed, we can’t force you to not steal the kill, but it might be worth watching the show (and the enemy’s public embarrassment) at the cost of some XP.

How to Equip Finishing Moves In Warzone

For Warzone, you’ll want to head over to the operator tab on the main menu. From here, select your favorite operator and hit the customize operator key. (On PC it’s X by default) In the rightmost tab, you’ll see a list of Finishing Moves.

How to Equip Finishing Moves in Black Ops Cold War

Surprisingly, Black Ops Cold War doesn’t have the same equip system as Warzone in the operator tab. You’ll have to navigate to the Weapons tab and select Finishing Moves to equip it here.

Get More Finishing Moves

Finishing moves are available in the Call of Duty Store as part of purchasable bundles and are also included in the Season 1 Battle Pass.

Past finishing moves are available for use in Warzone from Modern Warfare, and currently, certain Black Ops Cold War finishing moves are not available in Warzone.

To see an example of one of the new finishing moves, take a look at YouTuber ShawnJGaming’s video below. Finishing Move starts at the 1:42 timestamp.

How to execute a Finishing Move

To execute a finishing move on an opponent, you’ll want to sneak behind them (with any weapon), then press and hold your melee button. If there’s enough space and the enemy’s back is pointed towards you, you’ll activate your finisher.

Note that finishing moves are different per enemy stance, so the finisher you complete on a standing enemy will be slightly different than when an enemy is prone.

Now get out on the field and embarrass some players!

The post How to use finishing moves in Black Ops Cold War & Warzone appeared first on Charlie INTEL.

Source: CharlieIntel.com

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Modern Warfare players frustrated as game becomes a Cold War advertisement

Modern Warfare multiplayer players have become increasingly frustrated recently as the title has turned into an ad for the new Black Ops Cold War.

With the new updates for Modern Warfare over the month of December, the game’s menu system has updated to now include Black Ops Cold War, Warzone, and Modern Warfare featured. This was part of Activision’s push to unify the games and integrate Warzone across the board.

The game loads up with an option to “Purchase” Black Ops Cold War:

However, in doing so, the updates have basically turned Modern Warfare into a massive advertisement for Black Ops Cold War.

When Season 1 of Cold War & Warzone launched on Dec. 16, Modern Warfare’s loading screen now has a massive Black Ops Cold War & Warzone feature image, showcasing an Operator that’s not even useable in Modern Warfare MP.

If you’re loading up Modern Warfare, here’s the screen you’re met with:

Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare®_20201221170931

The biggest problem, however, that has been described by players on Reddit on both r/games and r/modernwarfare is surrounding the Battle Pass.

Black Ops Cold War & Warzone’s Season One Battle Pass shows up in the Modern Warfare MP Menu. Activision has stated that players can progress the Battle Pass XP by playing Modern Warfare MP, which is great. However, none of the content is useable in Modern Warfare MP. And, some players on Reddit are upset because there’s no warning before purchasing the Battle Pass within MW MP.

The items in the Battle Pass feature a BLACK OPS or WARZONE logos on it to showcase which game its useable in, but the question remains as to why the pass is even being advertised to purchase in Modern Warfare if practically none of the content is actually useable in it.

New Modern Warfare Content

Players have kept hope for the potential of new content for Modern Warfare at some point. We don’t expect there to be a full featured season for the game. But there’s data mining that has revealed two new Operators, including Soap and Sparks, alongside potential new MP maps.

Modern Warfare is the most successful Call of Duty game of all time, per Activision Blizzard. It remains to be seen why the company decided to turn it into a big advertisement for Black Ops Cold War, when the game’s are quite different in play style.

Image Credits: Reddit & Activision

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Source: CharlieIntel.com

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Symfuhny shows his overpowered DMR setup for Warzone

Streamer Symfuhny reveals his overpowered DMR that blows through Warzone lobbies.

Since the Black Ops Cold War Season 1 update for Warzone, we’ve seen the addition of 30+ weapons to the game. These Black Ops Cold War weapons have shaken the meta since they were originally added, and the newest discovery for the community is the powerful DMR.

The DMR is by far one of the best weapons in Warzone yet; capable of three-shotting enemies from insane ranges and is still lethal at medium ranges. Aggressive players will fall in love with the fast fire rate, and expert marksmen will appreciate the precision of each shot.

You’re going to want to get this weapon leveled up as soon as possible, so you can equip the best loadout for all of your gunfights. Today, we’re going to take some advice from streamer Symfunhy, and use his DMR setup.

The Loadout

  • Muzzle: Agency Silencer – Additional Damage Range and Sound Suppression. Don’t appear on the radar while firing, and also benefit from additional range. Identical to the Modern Warfare Monolithic Suppressor.
  • Barrel: 20.8″ Task Force – Improved Damage, Range, and Bullet Velocity at the cost of Horizontal and Vertical recoil control.
  • Underbarrel: Field Agent Foregrip – Extra sprinting move speed and less Horizontal Recoil.
  • Magazine: 30 Round Mags – Lighter weight than the 40 Round Magazine. Plenty to wipe a whole squad.
  • Optic: Axial Arms 3x – 3x magnification for a clear picture at long ranges.

Tips For The Field

  • Aim high, spam away – Once you get used to the recoil, this weapon becomes an instant kill machine. You can down enemies in just one headshot and body shot, or 3 body shots in general. Just be sure to aim high.
  • Aggression is key – Afraid of losing medium distance gunfights? This weapon excels at that too. Take enemies down before they even knew you were there.
  • Take cover! – Make sure to maneuver to waist height cover so you can take cover between shots from enemies. You’ll be a tough target to kill, and deal high damage every time you pop out.

Now get out there and win games!

The post Symfuhny shows his overpowered DMR setup for Warzone appeared first on Charlie INTEL.

Source: CharlieIntel.com

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Every Operator bundle leaked in Cold War x Warzone Season 1 update

Website CODTracker has discovered 108 upcoming bundles coming to Black Ops Cold War, Warzone, and Modern Warfare in Season 1.

CODTracker has discovered a whopping 108 new bundles that will be available to purchase for Black Ops Cold War, Warzone, and Modern Warfare. While everything can be used in Warzone, certain bundles are only available to use MW and BOCW.

CODTracker said they are still working on sorting out what can be used where, but it should be quite obvious what game the bundles are for by looking at the Operators and weapons. They will update the site to display this information in a future update.

Several new Operators are coming to the games, and some new looks for already existing characters too. Here are some of the best upcoming Operator bundles.

Soap Operator Bundle – 2,400 CoD Points

Fan-favorite Call of Duty character John “Soap” MacTavish will be added to Modern Warfare and Warzone as a playable Operator.

He comes with an ice pick melee weapon and more skins, including his classic Cliffhanger look from MW2, which can be unlocked for him by completing challenges.

Bulldozer Operator Bundle – 2,400 CoD Points

Bulldozer is a new operator coming to Black Ops Cold War and Warzone during Season 1.

He comes with a new melee weapon The Sledgehammer, which doubles up as his finishing move, and green tracer rounds for the M16 and Hauer 77.

Zenya Operator Bundle – 2,400 CoD Points

New Black Ops Cold War Operator Zenya will be included in this bundle. Her weapons have the Dismemberment effect applied, and her watch shows the player’s Elims/Death ratio for the match.

Sparks Operator Bundle – 2,400 CoD Points

New Demon Dogs Operator Sparks is coming to Modern Warfare and Warzone in Season 1.

He wears a winter ghillie suit, perfect for the snowy hills in Northern Verdansk. Sparks also comes with a winter camouflaged skin for Warzone’s SUV.

Roze: Behind The Mask – 2,400 CoD Points

Modern Warfare Season 5 Operator Roze usually sports a Spartan-inspired helmet, and her face has yet to be revealed – until now. With this new bundle, Roze has a new helmetless skin and comes with weapon blueprints and a new quip.

These are some of the best Operator bundles coming to Black Ops Cold War, Warzone, and Modern Warfare but be sure to check out CODTracker for the full list.

Image Credits: CODTracker & Activision

The post Every Operator bundle leaked in Cold War x Warzone Season 1 update appeared first on Charlie INTEL.

Source: CharlieIntel.com

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Call of Duty has generated over $3 billion in revenue in 2020

Activision has announced some impressive new data on the Call of Duty franchise as 2020 continues to be a significant year for the company.

In a new press release, Activision has announced that Call of Duty has surpassed $3 billion in net bookings in the last 12 months alone, marking one of the highest year to date sales for the franchise.

Activision says over the last 12 months fan engagement and premium game sales of Call of Duty has reached an all time high, the highest in franchise history. The company says this is growth is in part thanks to the franchise’s new “shared ecosystem business model.”

Following the record-setting launch of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, the Call of Duty franchise has surpassed over $3 billion in net bookings over the last 12 months with key performance metrics across engagement and premium game sales at all-time, franchise highs over the period.

Activision notes that over 200 million players have played Call of Duty in 2020 alone, across consoles, PC, and mobile. Revenue is also up 80% in 2020 compared to 2019 for the franchise.

The company has stated that November 2020 saw the most players online in the franchise and most hours played ever in the November month.

Across Call of Duty there is strong momentum. Year-to-date increases include net bookings up over 80% and units sold through up over 40% year over year. Over 200 million people have played Call of Duty this year.** On console and PC, the franchise has delivered the highest number of players in recorded history this year, as well as the biggest November ever for monthly players and hours played.

Activision confirms that Season One, set to begin this month, will ‘transform’ the experience with new, free content for all players to experience.

“The momentum over the last year across the Call of Duty ecosystem from free-to-play Warzoneas well as post-launch support of Modern Warfare, and now to Black Ops Cold War has been incredible,” said Byron Beede, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Call of Duty, Activision. “This is the next great chapter in Black Ops with an amazing campaign, an all-new zombies experience and of course, high-octane multiplayer. Launch is only the beginning. We are focused on building a continuous pipeline featuring a tremendous amount of free, post-launch content and events across the franchise.”

Warzone “will take on a new dimension” with its integration with Black Ops Cold War and Modern Warfare, Activision says. The company also has announced that Warzone has over 85 million players since its March 2020 launch.

Call of Duty players can look forward to the biggest series of post-launch free content, community events and ongoing support ever in Black Ops plus close integration across the ecosystem with Warzone. The free-to-play, free-for-everyone Warzone, which has surpassed more than 85 million players since its launch, will take on a new dimension as it integrates with both Black Ops Cold War and Modern Warfare. Season One, coming this month, features brand new content for Black Ops Cold War and Warzone.

Stay tuned for the latest news.

The post Call of Duty has generated over $3 billion in revenue in 2020 appeared first on Charlie INTEL.

Source: CharlieIntel.com

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Possible PS5 version of Modern Warfare found

Call of Duty fans love Modern Warfare more than most other titles in the franchise. Thus the idea of a PS5 remaster of the title is exciting, and it seems we might be getting that sooner than we think. 

Modern Warfare is arguably the most popular title in the entire Call Of Duty franchise. For many fans, it’s what got them into the series so whenever there’s a new development announced about it, the hype is enormous.

Infinity Ward Lead Multiplayer VFX Artist Reed Shingledecker recently confirmed new Modern Warfare content soon. The recent release of Black Ops: Cold War made it seem like that would be the main thing Activision would be focusing on for a while, so this is definitely came as a big surprise.

There is mass speculation about what he was referring to and one reddit user has created hype for a potential PS5 version of Modern Warfare. Here’s everything we know about this possible leak.

Next-Gen Modern Warfare on PS5 Leak

Reddit user asjonesy99 made a post in r/GamingLeaksAndRumours which strongly hints at a next-gen version of the title coming soon. The drop-down menu displayed the PS4 version when purchasing the game, but what caught fans’ eyes was the option for a PS5 version.

When the player tried to pick this option, it became locked. This could be some sort of glitch or something that’s currently in development. You can see the post for yourself below.

It’s hard to tell whether or not this is a legitimate hint at an upcoming PS5 version of Modern Warfare. It’s entirely likely that this could just be a simple error with the disc and this whole leak amounts to practically nothing.

Modern Warfare has become a huge staple for FPS fans so the excitement that this leak caused is completely understandable. The possibility of a next-gen Modern Warfare for a whole new group of young players is nice to think about.

Keep in mind that this is still a rumor and we’ll keep checking for updates on this. That said, we hope to see a PS5 remaster of this title soon. Even if we don’t, we now know that there definitely is more Modern Warfare content on its way and that’s exciting on its own.

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Source: CharlieIntel.com

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