Activision and Infinity Ward have announced a special reward for players who play in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Beta.
Players on all platforms who reach Level 10 by September 23 at 10AM PT in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Beta on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC will receive the Hammer Shotgun weapon to use in game.
This weapon has been specially designed in the Modern Warfare Gunsmith to feature some additional attachments and items for players to use in game.
As a token of our gratitude, be sure to reach Level 10 before the Beta ends on September 23 at 10AM PDT: That way, you’ll automatically obtain a free item reward; the Hammer Shotgun, fully customized with a pistol grip, dual-silenced short barrel, angled foregrip, and holographic sight designed to create a quick-handling, short-ranged, silenced method of foe disposal. This weapon blueprint, which is available to those reaching Level 10 or higher by the end of the Beta Weekends, will be accessible and waiting for you when you play the final game, available on October 25.
SOURCE: Activision
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Source: CharlieIntel.com
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