Special Ops mode in Modern Warfare will be revealed October 8

Infinity Ward responded to the outrage over the lack of Survival mode across platforms in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and the studio stated that the Special Ops experience, which will be available on all platforms, will be revealed on Tuesday, October 8.

The Survival mode, which Infinity Ward is describing as just ‘1%’ of the Special Ops experience, will be only available on PlayStation 4. The studio said it’s an “additional, classic” mode for the game but the overall Special Ops experience is on all platforms.

Lots of discussion and reactions to yesterday’s news about Special Ops. We know you have questions and we want to clarify. To be clear, our all-new Special Ops mode will be releasing on all platforms on October 25th. We’re looking forward to revealing Special Ops on October 8th. When we launch on October 25th, everyone on all platforms will be getting Modern Warfare which includes Campaign, the all-new Special Ops mode and the entirety of Multiplayer, which is a massive experience we’ve worked to create. Special Ops Survival is an additional, classic mode that will be available on PS4.

This is one of the last steps on the Road to Launch roadmap for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. The studio has been revealing new campaign details this week and will continue to share more over the course of the next week on the game’s new story mode.

Stay tuned for the latest updates.

SOURCE: Infinity Ward

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Why Modern Warfare will use a fictional country for its very realistic conflict

On Tuesday, the team behind Call of Duty: Modern Warfare finally revealed its campaign trailer. What lies behind the curtain is a fraught military drama, one that sees British and American special forces partnering with Middle Eastern militants to bring down a dangerous terrorist organization.

Along with that narrative, developer Infinity Ward also introduced a new and potentially divisive character to the Call of Duty lore. Her name is Farah Karim. She’s the same woman who, in the game’s opening act, survives a chemical weapons attack on her village. The same woman who watched her father murdered at the hands of a Russian soldier in her own home. Now she leads troops into battle. And, according to snippets of dialogue from the trailer, she shares a country with the same terrorist organization that Western powers are trying to track down.

Except it’s not a real country. It’s a make-believe place called Urzikstan.

Using made-up countries to avoid uncomfortable portrayals is a dodge common to films and television. The legacy of post-World War II action movies is full of enemy combatants transformed into unflattering caricatures, and one way to avoid accusations of insensitivity is to make sure those characters don’t come from real places on the map. You’re not supposed to feel for them, so where they come from is simply obfuscated.

But Modern Warfare wants to do things differently. At E3 this year, the team from Infinity Ward stressed that they want to evoke empathy for combatants on both sides of the battle line. They want players to feel something for their enemies, to see the world through their eyes. And yet the narrative team opted to maintain the status quo of othering the enemy by denying them a real country.

In Modern Warfare the Brits fight for Britain and the Yanks fight for the good ol’ U. S. of A. But Farah’s country, the narrative center of the game, is entirely fictional. So, while Western forces — and Western audiences — get to fight the good fight with a flag on their shoulder, Middle Eastern forces and Middle Eastern players aren’t given the same luxury.

At E3 this year I asked Jacob Minkoff, single-player design director at Infinity Ward, about why that is. Our interview has been lightly edited for clarity.

Polygon: These men and women that your team is portraying are just doing their jobs. They’re very good at it. They have their own motivations. They have their own reasons for doing what they do, but they each have value as people and as professionals.

[In your gameplay trailer] it’s clear that there are Russian forces. There are mixed American and British forces on the Western side. So these are flagged soldiers, fictional engagements, but real countries.

Jacob Minkoff: Absolutely.

But the Middle Eastern folks have a fictional country that they’re from and that they’re fighting for. Why give the Western folks, the white folks exploring this battle space, a nation to call their own and not give those Middle Eastern folks a nation as well? Why not place this in a real Middle Eastern country?

So the, the reason is that when you — I’m going to take it from outside in.


So let’s look at Piccadilly.

[Note: Piccadilly is an early level in Modern Warfare, shown to the press for the first time shortly before E3. In that level, British special forces storm a residential building in London to clear out a Middle Eastern terrorist cell. The sequence has not yet been shown to the public, but you can read our impressions.]

Terrorists attack Piccadilly. They perpetrate an attack there. Why do terrorists attack other countries outside their own? In general, it’s because they feel that the governments of those countries are messing with their country. They are either involved in their politics or occupying them or whatever the case may be. So terrorism is generally directed outwards towards these threats that they feel. They want foreign power off their soil, so they say, “I’m going to attack you on your soil so you pay attention to me and feel that, ultimately, it’s not worth your while. You should get off my soil.”


So, that’s why we can have countries like the U.K. being attacked by terrorists. But, now let’s go over to the country that those terrorists come from.

Now, when we’re talking about being in that country, it becomes much more politically fraught, politically complex. You can talk about terrorists attacking a great power to get them off of their soil without specifically talking about the politics of the country from which those terrorists come, because you’re really talking more about the actions of the superpowers against that country. But, when you talk about spending a whole bunch of time in this Middle Eastern country, where we’re going to be tracking down the terrorist leader and working alongside freedom fighters in that country, we just didn’t want to get wrapped up in the politics of any specific real world country. That’s because, number one, we don’t know enough about the politics of any given country to be able to do it respectfully. And, number two, it would tie our hands as developers where we have these ideas of emotionally impactful narrative moments, exciting gameplay moments, and we want to be able to bring those to the screen without having to worry about, “Well, that’s not accurate to this conflict. That thing didn’t really happen. There are actually four different or five different or ten different parties in this country and we really would need to, if we’re going to set it there, talk about a much, much more complex geopolitical environment than we really can in the context of the video game.” So it makes sense for us to fictionalize the Middle Eastern country, but not the places that the Middle Eastern — that the terrorists from that country attack.

How do you view your role as an artist, then, in putting yourself onto the political spectrum and talking about what’s going on in these conflicts, in places like Syria and in Afghanistan, without naming them? How do you create a narrative in the places where these troops, with flags on their shoulders, who are in harm’s way right now, alongside the civilians, and the freedom fighters, and the terrorists that “work” there, too?

Yeah, I mean, ultimately, what we say is that we want you to empathize with the individuals, right? Because it is so complex you can drive yourself insane. You can make yourself completely paralyzed and feel like you can’t touch any of the subject matter at all if you start trying to focus on all the political nuance. But, instead, if you just step back and say, “What do I really want?” I want you to empathize with the individual. I want you to understand that Middle Eastern people suffer from terrorism more than almost anyone else in the world because it’s their soil, it’s happening to them. They’re the ones being hurt. We’re all terrified of ISIS, but they’re the ones who really are suffering the most. And is there a way that we can represent the spirit of those conflicts without the specifics of them?

It feels to me, though, that there is so much narrative and empathic weight on the shoulders of Farah. Do you worry for her and how your audience will see her in the end?

I don’t, because I am really confident that once you see the whole game in context, you will find that Farah is one of the most fully developed characters that we’ve ever created and I think you’ll really appreciate and enjoy playing through her story.

How will you know if she’s been successful? What’s the reaction you want people to have to her?

I want people to look at the story of Modern Warfare as a whole and say, “That is one of the best narrative experiences that I’ve played. I’m attached to these characters and I want to see where they go in the future. And I understand what they fight for, why they fight, and I empathize with them and I want to continue seeing them into the future.”

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is coming to PlayStation 4, Windows PC via Battle.net, and Xbox One with cross-platform play. The game will be released on Oct. 25.

Source: Polygon.com

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Behind the Scenes Story Trailer

Activision and Infinity Ward have released a new behind the scenes story trailer for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, giving fans a more in depth look at the new story mode of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

The studio released the first Campaign Trailer on September 24, which can be viewed here.

The new behind the scenes trailer goes in depth on how the story was made, the decisions the team had for the game, and even shows some new footage from the campaign.

Take a peek behind the curtain and into the making of the Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® story. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available October 25th.

[embedded content]

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Modern Warfare’s maps show just how much it learned from Modern Warfare 2

The original Modern Warfare changed multiplayer games forever with its out-of-game progression system and unlocks. But if Modern Warfare built the foundation of Call of Duty multiplayer, it was Modern Warfare 2, which sold nearly 10 million more copies than its predecessor, and the very similar Modern Warfare 3, which is still the highest selling game in the series, that cemented it. In these two sequels Infinity Ward kept the first game’s tension but ratcheted up the speed and gave players even more options to customize the loadouts they brought into each multiplayer match. And it’s from these two games that 2019’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer seems to draw its inspiration from.

Of all the differences between 2019’s Modern Warfare and 2007’s, the maps may be what stands out the most.

Modern Warfare (2007) featured wide open areas and long sight lines. Even on the smaller maps, chances were good you could see an enemy coming and they could see you, too. On these maps, one player could stand in a window and hold down an entire section on their own with no reason to ever move.

A soldier dressed in desert camo aims an M16 at a building
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007)
Infinity Ward/Activision

But Modern Warfare 2, and the beta for 2019’s Modern Warfare, aren’t like that at all. The long sight lines are still there, but most of the maps here are broken up with nooks and crannies you can hide in, and tight corners for you to whip around in hopes of seeing an enemy before they realize you’re there. You’re meant to stay mobile, and instant reactions are king.

All this makes for a game that moves at a different speed. It isn’t the constant rushing of the Call of Duty series’ more recent entries, like last year’s Black Ops 4 where players can slide around the map at lighting speed, but it’s certainly faster than the 2007 version. The new Modern Warfare is full of a contemplative quickness, if such a thing can be said to exist. You never stand in the same place too long because there’s always a better place to go, but if you rush around the map too quickly, you’re sure to end up in someone’s sights. It’s the kind of pace that can only works with small maps that are easily learned.

After half of a match I already found myself hearing shots and knowing exactly which building they came from, or climbing a box to get an angle on an alley I knew an enemy was running toward. It’s the kind of instant familiarity that Modern Warfare 2 had with its best maps, the ones that were always small enough that you’d never go more than 20 seconds without finding someone, but big enough to never feel too cramped. Situational awareness and knowledge of movement patterns through tight spaces are key to success.

a player with a rocket launcher hides behind a wrecked car while another rides a tank in a screenshot from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019).
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)
Infinity Ward/Activision

The one problem with these maps in the Modern Warfare beta is that they are sometimes undermined by bad spawning. At its best, Modern Warfare 2’s spawns would make it feel like the battlefield was constantly shifting. As one team pushed from one side of the map to the other, their opponents would start to spawn on the opposite side, turning the battlefield around. The spawns were quick and could sometimes help an enemy get the drop on you, but they rarely felt unfair or completely unpredictable.

In the Modern Warfare beta, unpredictable spawns were the norm. Anytime I went a few seconds without fighting someone it always felt possible that they could spawn in behind me, or in the perfect spot to start shooting. These kinds of spawns are frustrating for everyone involved.

For every time I died to a player who had spawned in behind me from a point that I cleared a moment earlier, I can remember getting kills on freshly revived players that died because they happened to spawn facing away from me. But what else is a beta for if not fixing minor issues like these?

Two players storm a wooden structure armed with assault rifles in a screenshot from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)
Infinity Ward/Activision

This frenetic-but-thoughtful pace combined with the intricately designed maps made every one of Modern Warfare beta’s matches fun. Whether the previous match was a blow out win or a narrow defeat it was always easy to justify another seven minute round. Playing the new Modern Warfare wasn’t exactly like spending hours on Xbox Live back in 2009, but it was close.

Despite the minor annoyance of some unpredictable spawns, Modern Warfare does feel like a departure from the recent run of Call of Duty games.

Rather than trying to pull in elements of other popular multiplayer games, Modern Warfare feels like Infinity Ward stripping away layers and bringing the series back to the things that make it great. A decade ago, Modern Warfare 2 was the most popular game in the world, and the Modern Warfare beta makes it easy to remember why.

Source: Polygon.com

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Call of Duty’s yearlong, PS4-exclusive mode angers players, dev responds

One week ago, Activision and Infinity Ward said “most” post-release content for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare would launch simultaneously, but that PlayStation 4 players would get “an exciting Day 1 advantage.” We now know that the term “most” excludes the game’s Spec Ops Survival mode, and “Day 1 advantage” means PlayStation 4 players get that exclusive for a full year.

As one might expect, PC and Xbox One players are peeved about this, even more than usual due to Modern Warfare’s support for cross-platform play. The news came during Tuesday’s State of Play showcase for PlayStation, with the yearlong exclusive — until Oct. 1, 2020 — both asterisked and fine-printed.

Screenshot of a trailer screen mentioning in very small type that PS4 timed exclusive content for Modern Warfare is “until Oct. 1, 2020”
Note the fine print: Vertical stand sold separately.
Screenshot via PlayStation on YouTube

Call of Duty’s subreddit, as would be expected, blew up at the revelation.

“A new cod game will be releasing when this is out on Xbox and PC wtf,” wrote one massively upvoted poster.

“I’m almost certain this was part of Activision’s deal with Sony to have cross-platform play in MW,” replied another, speaking for the suspicions of many.

“This is just horrible and I’m on PS4,” said another redditor.

On Twitter yesterday afternoon, Infinity Ward’s narrative director Taylor Kurosaki stressed that this only applies to the Spec Ops Survival mode (and, importantly, that’s not the full Spec Ops mode, it’s just one type of game within it). Kurosaki said the decision to hold out Spec Ops Survival was a decision “above all of our pay grades.”

Kurosaki also implied that the furor over the yearlong exclusive mode for PS4 seemed somewhat overblown.

Since 2015, Sony has enjoyed a timed-exclusive, first crack at Call of Duty post-launch downloadable content, picking up that deal after Microsoft offered similar exclusivity for the five years prior. Last week’s announcement made it sound like that arrangement was changing, but the open beta’s two day preview on PlayStation 4, plus an exclusive 2v2 Alpha test on that console, is a reminder that it’s still very much in effect.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare launches Oct. 25 on PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One.

Source: Polygon.com

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A Modern Warfare Game Option Is PS4 Exclusive Until October 2020

The practice of platform holders securing console exclusives took a new and weird turn yesterday, when Sony and Activision announced that Modern Warfare’s Survival Mode—a mode within a mode, as it’s part of Spec Ops—is appearing exclusively on the PS4 until October 1, 2020.

Spec Ops, first introduced in the original Modern Warfare 2, is a series of short scripted missions that can either be played solo or co-op. They’ve been missing from the last few Call of Duty games, so their return here has been seen as a welcome move by longtime series fans.

That excitement from PC and Xbox users will be a little tempered by yesterday’s announcement, though. While the core Spec Ops experience will appear on all platforms, Survival Mode—basically a Horde mode for Call of Duty, available as an option within Spec Ops—won’t be turning up outside the PS4 until October 2020, which conveniently is right around the time the next Call of Duty game will be due.

This isn’t the first time Sony has secured an exclusivity deal for Call of Duty content, but those have previously been for a matter of days. To lock something down for almost an entire year (the game is due out on October 25) is a little more drastic.

You can see the exclusive announced twice in the video below, once at the beginning in small print, and again near the end.

Source: Kotaku.com

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Modern Warfare Special Ops Survival Mode available only on PS4 for one year

Activision and PlayStation have announced that the new Special Ops Mode for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will give PlayStation fans exclusive content.

In a the new campaign trailer that debuted on PlayStation State of Play, the end of the trailer showcased a first look at the new Special Ops content that is coming to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

The new Special Ops Survival Mode will be exclusive to PS4 till October 1, 2020.

A preview of the mode was shown at the end of the PlayStation version of the trailer, starting the 2:18 mark:

[embedded content]

Activision announced last week that post launch content for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, including new MP maps, new MP modes, Special Ops missions, and other content would release on all platforms at the same time. But the company did state that PlayStation would get an “exciting Day 1 advantage” with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and this appears to be it.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available October 25 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Beta largest beta in Call of Duty history

Activision has announced that the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Beta was the largest beta in Call of Duty’s history.

The beta had the most users, in the “millions”, most hours played, and highest peak concurrent numbers of players across all platforms for Call of Duty across PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Activision today confirmed that the recent Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® Beta has become the largest in Call of Duty history, delivering the most users, the most hours played and highest peak concurrent number of players across PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC combined.

Millions of gamers downloaded and played the Beta, which ran across two consecutive weekends, beginning Thursday, Sept. 12, and ending Monday, Sept. 23. The Beta included crossplay, enabling gamers to play together across PS4, Xbox One, and PC for the first time in franchise history.

“We’re focused on delivering the best online experience possible and that includes bringing the community together with crossplay,” said Patrick Kelly, creative director and co-studio head, Infinity Ward. “We appreciate all of the players from around the world, who played and shared feedback. Your support is not only a driving inspiration to the entire team, but also provides us with important data and feedback which helps us improve the experience for launch.”

“The response from fans for Modern Warfare’s release next month has been incredible,” said Byron Beede, executive vice president and general manager of Call of Duty, Activision. “From the beginning of development there has been extraordinary excitement for this game. We thank Call of Duty players and the development teams led by Infinity Ward for making this a record-setting Beta. We look forward to October 25 when players everywhere will experience the full amount of depth and gameplay Modern Warfare has to offer.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare launches on October 25.

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Modern Warfare Player Learns Explosive Lesson

Today on Highlight Reel we have pro Untitled Goose Game strategies, hammer flips, Link’s Awakening claw game tragedies and much more!

Watch the video then talk about your favorite highlight in the comments below. Be sure to check out, like, and share the original videos via the links below. Subscribe to Kotaku on YouTube for more! Catch up on all the episodes on the Highlight Reel Youtube playlist!

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Source: Kotaku.com

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Crossplay Beta Weekend 2 Recap

The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Crossplay Beta is now officially over!

Over the last weekend, Infinity Ward had the Modern Warfare Beta live on PS4, Xbox One, and PC and tested out Crossplay, Cross Progression, Ground War mode, and more for the MP experience of the game.

With the MP beta now over, all eyes turn toward the final four weeks left till the global launch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Back in early Sept, Infinity Ward shared a Road to Launch Roadmap for Modern Warfare, and we’ve got some reveals to look forward as we get closer to October 25.

Infinity Ward will be showcasing new details on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s campaign mode in the ‘end of September,’ which is some point within the next week. An exact date has not been confirmed, so stay tuned.

The studio also confirmed plans to reveal the Spec Ops co-op mode for the game during the week of October 7.

Infinity Ward shared an overall recap of the entire beta weekends on Reddit, and here’s a look at it.


First and foremost, we want to thank each and every one of you for joining us during the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Beta. Whether you only played one weekend or both, your feedback was heard, and we can’t thank you enough. This was one of the most crucial testing times for our game and we’re honored that you all were with us every step of the way. As we’ve said before and will continue to say, this is your game just as much as it is ours, and we couldn’t do any of this without you. From everyone on the Infinity Ward development team, thank you so, so, much for playing.

Post image

Feedback We’re Looking Into:

During the Beta, you sent us your comments, suggestions, and bugs. We’ll continue to update you on the status of these bugs after the Beta as well! The list below captures some of the feedback you provided, so please don’t be alarmed if you don’t see a particular issue you reported in the list below. Let’s take a look at some of the feedback we’re looking into:

  • Blurriness while ADSing or on the matchmaking screen on PC
  • Crashes on Xbox One and PC (please check existing threads on here if you’re experiencing one of these crashes)
  • Players are unable to chat with console platforms while on PC
  • Players were able to change their input device midmatch. We deployed a fix for this during the beta.
  • Recon Drone UI staying on screen after using
  • Juggernaut Suit not spawning out of the crate and the mask staying on screen after the player has died in the suit and respawned back in to match
  • Ground War: In some cases, players would spawn or be ‘pushed’ under the map, allowing them to kill enemy players while being hidden. Friendlies are also able to spawn on under the map as well. We’re looking into how you spawn on your teammates as well as spawning in on vehicles in general, too.
  • Players are unable to shoot through open rails/towers
  • Screen tearing on character and weapon models on Xbox
  • VTOL Jet firing through the roof of various buildings in Quarry
  • Suppressed M13 still uses normal audio sounds
  • Settings not saving on PC
  • FOV Slider setting reverting to default after loading into the map. This has been fixed.
  • Doors not opening or closing as intented. In some cases, players are able to see through closed doors.
  • Cyber Attack: Unable to defuse the bomb. Unable to pick up a weapon after being revived
  • Various audio bugs where the only audio being played is of vehicles, no audio, or only weapons
  • Xbox users: We know of a bug with invites and joining up from the Xbox Dashboard. While this is being investigated, you can still send invites and join up with friends within the game.
  • Staying as a Party after a match: After completing a match as a party, some players are unable to find a new match and are stuck in the matchmaking lobby. We’re still looking into this issue, but in the meantime, disbanding your party and joining back up is a temporary solution while we work on a fix.
  • Spawning and Visuals: Spawning is currently inconsistent on some maps, so thank you for sharing your videos with us and sharing your feedback. We’ll continue to monitor the spawn system and we’ll update you if we deploy any changes. We will also be looking into lighting and exposure on various areas of the map, such as how you view dark rooms from the outside of a building and vice versa, for example.
  • Voice chat: Voice chat is inconsistent when joining up with players on other platforms. This is being investigated.

SOURCE: Reddit

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