The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Crossplay Beta is now officially over!
Over the last weekend, Infinity Ward had the Modern Warfare Beta live on PS4, Xbox One, and PC and tested out Crossplay, Cross Progression, Ground War mode, and more for the MP experience of the game.
With the MP beta now over, all eyes turn toward the final four weeks left till the global launch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Back in early Sept, Infinity Ward shared a Road to Launch Roadmap for Modern Warfare, and we’ve got some reveals to look forward as we get closer to October 25.
Infinity Ward will be showcasing new details on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s campaign mode in the ‘end of September,’ which is some point within the next week. An exact date has not been confirmed, so stay tuned.
The studio also confirmed plans to reveal the Spec Ops co-op mode for the game during the week of October 7.

Infinity Ward shared an overall recap of the entire beta weekends on Reddit, and here’s a look at it.
First and foremost, we want to thank each and every one of you for joining us during the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Beta. Whether you only played one weekend or both, your feedback was heard, and we can’t thank you enough. This was one of the most crucial testing times for our game and we’re honored that you all were with us every step of the way. As we’ve said before and will continue to say, this is your game just as much as it is ours, and we couldn’t do any of this without you. From everyone on the Infinity Ward development team, thank you so, so, much for playing.

Feedback We’re Looking Into:
During the Beta, you sent us your comments, suggestions, and bugs. We’ll continue to update you on the status of these bugs after the Beta as well! The list below captures some of the feedback you provided, so please don’t be alarmed if you don’t see a particular issue you reported in the list below. Let’s take a look at some of the feedback we’re looking into:
- Blurriness while ADSing or on the matchmaking screen on PC
- Crashes on Xbox One and PC (please check existing threads on here if you’re experiencing one of these crashes)
- Players are unable to chat with console platforms while on PC
- Players were able to change their input device midmatch. We deployed a fix for this during the beta.
- Recon Drone UI staying on screen after using
- Juggernaut Suit not spawning out of the crate and the mask staying on screen after the player has died in the suit and respawned back in to match
- Ground War: In some cases, players would spawn or be ‘pushed’ under the map, allowing them to kill enemy players while being hidden. Friendlies are also able to spawn on under the map as well. We’re looking into how you spawn on your teammates as well as spawning in on vehicles in general, too.
- Players are unable to shoot through open rails/towers
- Screen tearing on character and weapon models on Xbox
- VTOL Jet firing through the roof of various buildings in Quarry
- Suppressed M13 still uses normal audio sounds
- Settings not saving on PC
- FOV Slider setting reverting to default after loading into the map. This has been fixed.
- Doors not opening or closing as intented. In some cases, players are able to see through closed doors.
- Cyber Attack: Unable to defuse the bomb. Unable to pick up a weapon after being revived
- Various audio bugs where the only audio being played is of vehicles, no audio, or only weapons
- Xbox users: We know of a bug with invites and joining up from the Xbox Dashboard. While this is being investigated, you can still send invites and join up with friends within the game.
- Staying as a Party after a match: After completing a match as a party, some players are unable to find a new match and are stuck in the matchmaking lobby. We’re still looking into this issue, but in the meantime, disbanding your party and joining back up is a temporary solution while we work on a fix.
- Spawning and Visuals: Spawning is currently inconsistent on some maps, so thank you for sharing your videos with us and sharing your feedback. We’ll continue to monitor the spawn system and we’ll update you if we deploy any changes. We will also be looking into lighting and exposure on various areas of the map, such as how you view dark rooms from the outside of a building and vice versa, for example.
- Voice chat: Voice chat is inconsistent when joining up with players on other platforms. This is being investigated.
SOURCE: Reddit
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