Along with their announcement that they’re releasing a new Call of Duty this new Call of Duty this year, Activision has revealed the roadmap for Season 2 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s multiplayer, and it includes an old favorite: Rust. Known as one of the smallest maps in the entire Call of Duty franchise, Rust has divided fans since it first debuted back in 2009’s Modern Warfare 2.
Like the infamous Shipment from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, the compact size of the map means that you’re likely to spawn in the crosshairs of one of your opponents, making for very quick matches. The map is also known for encouraging tactics that some players dislike, like camping and grenade spamming. Still, if you like quick and dirty close-quarters-combat, Rust is the map for you.
Rust takes place in the middle of a sandstorm
Rust will be available at the launch of Season 2 on February 11, and it’s free to those who already own Modern Warfare. It also includes new maps and a Battle Pass. Not everything will be available on day one, but there is plenty of content hitting on Tuesday.
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