So here’s something I don’t think I would be talking about in a Call of Duty game: GameInformer has revealed that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will feature an item called ‘Tamagunchi’ (which is in reference to the digital pet that is available in Japan and other places).
These items have a variety of watch-like arm wear that tells time accurately and also..feeds of what you’re doing in the game.
These Tamagunchi can be either happy or sad, and it’s feeling is determined by the activities you’re doing in game, like whether you’re on a killstreak or you’re not progressing enough in the match.
“Finally, there’s a bit of flavor if you want to get really wild. Dubbed the “Tamagunchi” (yes, like that cute little digital pet), players have a variety of watch-like armwear that not only tells the time accurately but also…feeds. The Tamagunchi can be happy or sad, and squawks and barks at your based on your activities. The designs include things like traditional analog watch, Fitbit-style bands, stat-trackers, and more.”
This is just designed as a fun system to expand upon the already available interactions within Call of Duty.
“This little thing on your wrist, every time you get a string of kills, it goes, ‘Ya-ta!’ and it makes a little noise, then you look at it, and it evolved out of an egg,” Emslie says. “Tamagunchis are fed by the player’s performance in multiplayer. It’s just this little active wristwatch thing.”
The different types of items you can put on your wrist include a wristwatch, which has been shown in trailers, Fitbit-style bands, stat-trackers, and more. This just seems like an additional customization suite of content that Infinity Ward can add and expand on for those who are interested in such a feature.
SOURCE: GameInformer
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