Modern Warfare March 3 Update

Infinity Ward has released the latest game settings update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on Tuesday, March 3.

The new update brings a refresh of the playlists available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

Here’s what’s NEW:


  • Shoot the Ship 24/7 (replaces Dirty Old House Boat)
  • 3v3 Gunfight (replaces Gunfight 3v3 Snipers Only)
  • 1v1 Me Bro – all Gunfight maps. Includes an always-on UAV and the ability to hear enemy players speaking
  • Boots on the Ground War – updated to regular Ground War with no tanks and removing Realism rules. 
  • Removed Giant Infection



  • Sped up sprint out time
  • New attachments available through challenges!
    • New .41 AE caliber change for increased damage and range
    • New Uzi Carbine Pro Barrel for increased range and bullet velocity

PC: Fixed a bug where the shaders status bar would read as paused in the UI even though the shaders were continuing to install in the background

CoD Caster:

  • Fixed a bug where killfeed colors would become inverted
  • Added a way to see when a player has activated Dead Silence
  • In CDL Domination, the round transition screen would display “Team Wins” instead of “Switching Sides” when the first round ends. This has been fixed.

Our patch notes from 2/25 contained weapon notes that did not actually make it into update itself. The below changes are now live as of today:

  • Increased close and mid-range damage for the AK 5.45x39mm round mags
  • Reduced recoil to the SA87 12.4 Factory Barrel

In addition, the item shop got a refresh with a variety of bundles but the Mace Operator Bundle is still available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare for those who want the new Operator including the debut of Tomogunchi.

Season 2 continues in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. There’s still a standard MP map, Khodor Hideout, to come this Season. Stay tuned.

The post Modern Warfare March 3 Update appeared first on Charlie INTEL.


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This Week in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – New Playlists And More

Activision Blog has posted the latest This Week in Call of Duty post highlighting what fans can expect in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare for this week.

This week will see updated playlists, including the return of Gunfight Trios, the Mace Operator bundle still available in the store for players to get, and an updated 1v1 Me Bro Playlist on Rust with Radar on permanently.

Here’s the details from the Activision Blog:

Test your skills this week in Modern Warfare with an updated 1v1 playlist and the return of Gunfight trios.  

Lead your team to victory in Gunfight trios. Battle with a variety of random weapons on small, close quarters battlefield, including the newly added Bazaar. Master the symmetry of Gunfight maps by reading up on our Gunfight Tactical Map Intel articles and ready up to take on any opponent. 

Get Mace a deadly new Operator for the Allegiance Forces. The Mace Operator Bundle includes the ‘Metal Phantom’ Operator skin, two weapon blueprints, the ‘Mace to the Face’ Finishing Move, two tier skips, and more. Mace is available now in the Modern Warfare Store.

Ready to square off against your friend or foe? Hop into the updated 1v1 Me Bro playlist where the radar is permanently on, so you can hunt down the enemy. Utilize the constant radar pings to plan your attack but be wary because your opponent knows your location as well.

SOURCE: Activision

The post This Week in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – New Playlists And More appeared first on Charlie INTEL.


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